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Improving Fine Motor Skills for Kids

Fine motorskills guide the small movements of the hand and fingers that allow a child towrite and draw, as well as manipulate buttons, zips or scissors. When theseskills are under-developed, the results can include reduced independence,school performance and self-confidence.

‍We workwith children and their families as well as school staff, using proventechniques for improving fine motor skills.
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How OT's Help

Whether your child's school has identified problems with their fine motor skills or you have noticed such difficulties yourself, we can help. Childhood development is complex and not all children will move at the same pace, butsome of the most common reasons that a parent will contact us with concerns about their child's fine motor skills include:

  • An awkward or immature pencil grasp
  • Messy or slow writing, drawing or colouring
  • Excessive tiredness after short periods of writing, drawing or typing
  • Difficulty when using scissors or performing precise manipulations suchas fastening buttons, zips or shoelaces
  • Problems performing self-care tasks independently
  • Reluctance to engage with tasks requiring hand-eye coordination such as building Lego